Why I don't drink milk...

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Pumping's nothing new... one man's story.

I'm sure that most of you guys that stumble upon this site think you’ve discovered something new that hasn’t been around all that long. Let a late-middle aged man (56 years old) tell you that thats where you’re wrong. Although it may not be as old as masturbation, its probably been around as long as a young man’s imagination. In my case, I started in the mid-50’s. I grew up on a mid-western dairy farm which in the early 50’s my father setup in conjunction with assistance from the state’s veterinary school as a prototype. At that time we had the only facility in the state where milk went directly from the cows to the refrigerated containers via a pipeline system. Now you talk about a vacuum system with cutoff valves. Today it would be nothing, but back then it was hi-tech. Generaly four cows were milked at a time while four others were being prepped. Cows were milked twice a day and after each milk run, my two brothers and I (as a part of our chores) had the responsibility of flushing and cleaning the system. No we never had to walk five miles to school in the snow, as many of your fathers told you they did whenever you used to complain about having to do something, but the closest neighbors were about 2 miles away. There were no videos, no malls, and except for playing catch and reading 10 cent comics we were isolated. Anyway, as part of the technology all the registered breed stock were artifically inseminated and once a month had to be checked for brucellosis (undulant fever), staphylococcal mastitis and a variety of other bacterial diseases. Generally, the vet school would send down a senior or grad student to carry out those tests. That guy would stay for 2 or 3 days in large storage room within the dairy barn. Although its been nearly 42 years, I’ll never forget this one hot summer night. My parents had left for a dance about 30 miles away and two students had come down for the herd assessment. One in particular had visited on a number of occasions, and be trustworthy in my parent’s eyes, agreed to baby sit my two younger brothers and I. I remember waking about 10:30, hearing the sound of the system running through my open window and wondering what was going on. I k new dad wasn’t home and yet I couldn’t figure out why the system would be running. Sneaked out the house and into one of the milk station entrances as quitely as I could, instantly being mesmerized. As a 14 year old clad only in my jockey shorts, I froze almost immediately and stood there for what seemed like hours staring at my discovery. There’s Gary and his friend, face to face, both completely in the buff with their ‘things’ in two of the four tit-cuffs having blocked the other ones with corks. Pumping away, I couldn’t believe it when they handed me the udder balm and asked me to join in. Let me tell you, I got one hell of an education over the next hour and a half in addition to my introduction to pumping. Up until that point, my only older friends were the guys in my class at the county junior high school. Hell none of them were any better built than I, and certainly nothing like my two new pump buddies. Over the next year I anxiously awaited Gary’s visits and unlike my younger brothers had no objections to him babysitting. I could go on and on, but its best I close by saying that when I was 16, introduced my younger brother (then 13) to pumping. He in turn, passed it on to our baby brother (10 years my junior) while I was off at college. Although I’ve never asked either of my sons, I’m sure their youngest uncle gave them an introduction to pumping once they hit their formative years. Last summer when my youngest came home at spring break, I was helping him unpack when a clear new acrylic cylinder rolled out of one of his suitcases. Turning beet-red he kicked it under his bed, while I did my damnest to pretend that I hadn’t seen anything. Do I still pump? Hell yes, but I’m sure they wouldn’t belive it, just as I can’t believe that my father would have done anything so perverted. So to those of you who think you’re probably into something new that your fathers never did....dream on, they proably never jerked off either. To answer one last question. Do I still drink milk. Hell no, I gave that crap up when I was 14.

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