More women's reactions ANYONE????

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Posted by Beachballs on November 18, 1997 at 14:58:44:

More women's reactions ANYONE????

Ok, I guess I'll retell my best reaction experience again. I have several friends\business aquaintances that do family type activities ( golf, skiing, hunting,fishing, etc.. but not pumping) together. The wives and kids also hang around together, but none know about my pumping passtime except my wife of course. They all do think that my wife and I are a little strange because we go to the nude beach every chance we get. Remeber these are very conservative middle age couples. Any way the guys have a regular birthday celebration for each other that usually consists of going out to eat and then for entertainment, which translates into a trip to a night club featuring exotic dancing. The custom is for all the guys to buy the birthday boy a lap dance. Of course then he is obligated to buy everyone else one too. The last time we did this was about a year and a half ago. I had a pump session that afternoon and was pretty well maxed out, so in the interest of being descrete I elected to wear a pair of baggy dress shorts to hide my secret. Well after dinner we ended up at the usual club. We bought the birthday boy his lap dance and he reciprocated as usual, and when it was my turn I picked a cute dancer with nonstandard issue breasts and she started her usual lap dance. Well about 3 seconds into the dance she hops up, whirls around and has her hand up the leg of my shorts. My friends see my suprise and about fall out of their chairs laughing. After the song she kinds wanders off, whispers to a coworker, points to our table, and the next thing I know I have another lap dance. After about the tenth free lap dance my friends are starting to get upset. I tried to explain that it was just my charm and good looks, but they didn't buy that. Anyway
our custom on birthdays seems to have ended, but I can tell that the story was related to the wives as when I am around them I get a lot of suggestive remarks, plus the wives seem a lot more interested in maybe going to the nude beach with my wife and I sometime. I never did tell any of the guys what was going on. I don't remember any of them ever seeing me in the shower, at the beach, etc.. and I kinda enjoy what I think they are imagining. The guys all wanted to go to the beach before and their wives wouldn't let them, but now it is the wives that want to go. Beachballs.